Software Design Patterns

Florian Rappl, Fakultät für Physik, Universität Regensburg

Software Design Patterns

Introduction to modern software architecture

software architecture

Creational patterns


  • Deal with object creation
  • Try to control the object creation process
  • Basically two intentions are often seen here:
    1. Making systems independent of specific classes
    2. Hiding how classes are created and combined
  • Goal: Minimizing dependencies and complexities while maximizing flexibility

The singleton pattern

  • Restricts the instantiation of a class to one object
  • Useful if only one instance is needed and this instance is used by a lot of objects
  • Much better controlled than global variables
  • Encapsulates the given set of variables
  • Can be resource friendly by allocating memory when required, not before
  • Required: Private or protected constructor and static readonly property to access instance

Singleton diagram

skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
class Singleton {
  -{static} instance: Singleton = null
  +{static} getInstance(): Singleton


  • There are multiple variants - the shown one is called lazy initialization and represents the most common approach
  • By using a static constructor we could have an eager initialization and avoid the unnecessary condition in the property
  • Therefore there is a way that uses both approaches to have the advantages of lazy loading without any repeating condition testing
  • Another advantage of this solution is that it would be thread-safe (the original lazy is not thread-safe)

Lazy loading singleton

public class Singleton
   private static Singleton instance;

   private Singleton() {}

   public static Singleton Instance
         if (instance == null)
            instance = new Singleton();

         return instance;
public class Singleton {
   private static Singleton instance;

   private Singleton() { }

   public static Singleton getInstance() {
      if(instance == null)
         instance = new Singleton();

      return instance;
class Singleton {
   static Singleton& getInstance() {
      static Singleton instance;
      return instance;

   Singleton() {}
   Singleton(Singleton const&);
   void operator=(Singleton const&);

Practical considerations

  • Quite often used together with other patterns
  • Central location for variables (like a namespace), but more clean and encapsulated
  • Can be controlled quite easily (getInstance could have more logic)
  • Configuration of application stored in a Singleton allows easy and automated serialization and deserialization of stored values
  • APIs make great use of singletons to provide a single entry point
  • Enhance a resource friendly way of using particular objects

Global application state

public sealed class ApplicationState
   private static ApplicationState _instance;
   private static object _lockThis = new object();

   private ApplicationState() { }

   public static ApplicationState Instance
         if (_instance == null)
            lock (_lockThis)
               if (_instance == null)
                  _instance = new ApplicationState();
         return _instance;

   public string LoginId { get; set; }

   public int MaxSize { get; set; }

The prototype pattern

  • Use exchangeable objects as parts of a class, instead of deriving from another class
  • Big advantage: We do not have to destroy the complete object to change the parent (which is now the prototype)
  • Some languages are actually using this pattern implicitly
  • The creation of the prototype is usually done by calling a cloning method on an already existing instance
  • The cloning process should result in a deep copy of the prototype

Prototype diagram

skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
class Client {
  -prototype : Prototype

interface Prototype {
  +clone() : Prototype

class ConcretePrototype1 {
  +clone() : Prototype

class ConcretePrototype2 {
  +clone() : Prototype

class ConcretePrototypeN {
  +clone() : Prototype

Client *-> Prototype
ConcretePrototype1 --|> Prototype
ConcretePrototype2 --|> Prototype
ConcretePrototypeN --|> Prototype


  • Cloning is an important part, but it should not be the only reason to follow the prototype pattern
  • .NET and Java have already a single purpose interface for cloning alone
  • The main reason for this pattern is flexibility
  • Prototype doesn't require subclassing, but an initialize operation
  • One instance of a class is used as a breeder of all future instances
  • Prototype is unique among the other creational patterns since it only requires an object, not a class

Base class prototype

abstract class Prototype
    private readonly string _id;

    protected Prototype(string id)
        _id = id;

    public string Id
        get { return _id; }

    public abstract Prototype Clone();

class ConcretePrototype : Prototype
    public ConcretePrototype(string id)
        : base(id)

    public override Prototype Clone()
        return (Prototype)MemberwiseClone();
abstract class Prototype {
    private final string _id;

    protected Prototype(string id) {
        _id = id;

    public string getId() {
        return _id;

    public abstract Prototype clone();

class ConcretePrototype extends Prototype {
    public ConcretePrototype(string id) {

    public Prototype clone() {
        return (Prototype)Object.clone(this);
class Prototype {
    const string _id;

    Prototype(string id) : _id(id) {

    const string& getId() const {
        return _id;

    virtual Prototype* Clone() = 0;

class ConcretePrototype : public Prototype {
    ConcretePrototype(string id) : Prototype(id) {

    virtual Prototype* Clone() {
        return new ConcretePrototype(*this);

Practical considerations

  • The prototype pattern can save resources by cloning only certain parts and omitting some initialization
  • Usually we will get a general object back, so casting might be required
  • Designs that make heavy use of the other patterns (e.g. composite, decorator, ...) often can benefit from prototype as well
  • A Singleton that contains all prototype objects is quite useful
  • The singleton would then have a method to create (clone) a specific prototype

Changing a template

public abstract class Template
    public abstract Template Copy();

    public Color Foreground { get; set; }

    public Color Background { get; set; }

    public string FontFamily { get; set; }

    public double FontSize { get; set; }

    /* ... */

    protected static void CopyBasicFields(Template original, Template copy)
        copy.Foreground = original.Foreground;
        /* ... */

public class DefaultTemplate : Template
    public DefaultTemplate()
        Foreground = Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 0);
        Background = Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255);
        FontFamily = "Arial";
        FontSize = 12.0;

    public override Template Copy()
        DefaultTemplate copy = new DefaultTemplate();
        CopyBasicFields(this, copy);
        /* ... */
        return copy;

public class Document
    Template _template;

    public Document(Template template)

    public void ChangeTemplate(Template template)
        _template = template.Copy();

The factory method pattern

  • Create specific classes without using them
  • Idea: Tell a central factory which class to create (e.g. by using a string)
  • The factory then knows which class to use and how to create
  • Goal: Maintainability and extendability gain
  • Using DRY: Creation code on a single central place
  • Information hiding is possible if special information is required that only the factory needs to know about

Factory method diagram

skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
abstract class Product {
class Factory {
  +produce(): Product
Product <|-- ConcreteProduct1
Product <|-- ConcreteProduct2
Product <|-- ConcreteProductN
Factory -.-> ConcreteProduct1
Factory -.-> ConcreteProduct2
Factory -.-> ConcreteProductN
Consumer --> Product
Consumer -> Factory


  • The factory method exists in a lot of variations and makes most sense with otherwise complicated APIs or library extensions
  • Generally one might think of two more methods in the factory to register and unregister new products with instructions on how to create
  • Languages like C# or Java have Reflection built-in, which can enable automatically constructed factories
  • Quite often the factory method pattern is displayed with an abstract class for the factory, but actually this is not required

String based factory

public abstract class SmartPhone
     public abstract double Price { get; }

     /* ... */
class GalaxyS3 : SmartPhone
     public override double Price
         get { return 599.99; }

     /* ... */
public class Factory
    public SmartPhone Produce(String type)
        switch (type)
            case "GalaxyS3":
                return new GalaxyS3();
            /* ... */
                return null;
class Consumer
    private SmartPhone phone;
    private double money;

    public void BuyNewSmartPhone(Factory factory, String type)
         phone = factory.Produce(type);
         money -= phone.Price;
public abstract class SmartPhone {
     public abstract double getPrice();

     /* ... */
class GalaxyS3 extends SmartPhone {
     public double getPrice() {
         return 599.99;

     /* ... */
public class Factory {
    public SmartPhone produce(String type) {
        switch (type) {
            case "GalaxyS3":
                return new GalaxyS3();
            /* ... */
                return null;
class Consumer {
    private SmartPhone phone;
    private double money;

    public void buyNewSmartPhone(Factory factory, String type) {
         phone = factory.produce(type);
         money -= phone.getPrice();
class SmartPhone {
     virtual double getPrice() = 0;

     /* ... */
class GalaxyS3 : public SmartPhone {
     double getPrice() {
         return 599.99;

     /* ... */
class Factory {
    SmartPhone* Produce(string type) {
        if (type == "GalaxyS3")
            return new GalaxyS3();

        return NULL;
class Consumer {
    SmartPhone* phone;
    double money;

    void BuyNewSmartPhone(Factory* factory, string type)
         phone = factory->Produce(type);
         money -= phone->getPrice();

Practical considerations

  • Using the singleton pattern for the factory is often useful
  • If the products follow the prototype pattern then object creation (and registration, if provided) is really simple and straight forward
  • One of the most famous factories can be found in the browser: the DOM only provides access for creating elements over a factory
  • Actually we use already a factory by typing in addresses (scheme)
  • Games quite often make use of factories to produce items
  • The provided abstraction of factories help to reduce dependencies

A factory for commands

interface ICommand
    string Info { get; }

    string Help { get; }

    bool CanUndo { get; }

    string[] Calls { get; }

    string FlushOutput();

    bool Invoke(string command, string[] arguments);

    void Undo();

class Commands
    static Commands instance;

    ICommand[] commands;
    Stack<ICommand> undoList;

    private Commands()
        undoList = new Stack<ICommand>();
        undoCallings = new List<string>();
        commands = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
            .Where(m => !m.IsInterface && typeof(ICommand).IsAssignableFrom(m))
            .Select(m => m.GetConstructor(System.Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(null) as ICommand)

    public static Commands Instance
        get { return instance ?? (instance = new Commands()); }

    public ICommand Create(string command, params string[] args)
        foreach (ICommand cmd in commands)
            if (CheckForCall(cmd, command))
                return cmd;

        return null;

    public bool Invoke(string command, params string[] args)
        ICommand cmd = Create(command, args);

        if (cmd != null && cmd.Invoke(command, args))
            if (cmd.CanUndo)

            return true;

        return false;


  • Singletons are sometimes overused, but can be used in many situations
  • The factory method is particularly useful to decouple dependencies on children of classes
  • The ability to clone itself is interesting especially if construction would be impossible otherwise (due to dependencies or language constraints)
  • Decoupling the factory can also be very beneficial, which results in the next pattern: The abstract factory pattern

The abstract factory pattern

  • What if we need specializations of outcoming products?
  • Goal: Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes
  • Instead of wanting Product instances we want ProductVariant objects, with specialized implementations
  • However, we do not need to know which factory is producing it
  • This decouples a concrete factory from our code and enables application aware productions

Abstract factory diagram

skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
abstract class Product {
abstract class ProductVariant1 {
abstract class ProductVariant2 {
interface BaseFactory {
  {abstract} +produce1(): ProductVariant1
  {abstract} +produce2(): ProductVariant2
class ConcreteFactoryA {
  +produce1(): ProductVariant1
  +produce2(): ProductVariant2
class ConcreteFactoryB {
  +produce1(): ProductVariant1
  +produce2(): ProductVariant2
ConcreteFactoryA -|> BaseFactory
ConcreteFactoryB -|> BaseFactory
Product <|-- ProductVariant1
Product <|-- ProductVariant2
ProductVariant1 <|-- ConcreteProductA1
ProductVariant2 <|-- ConcreteProductA2
ProductVariant1 <|-- ConcreteProductB1
ProductVariant2 <|-- ConcreteProductB2
ConcreteFactoryA -.-> ConcreteProductA1
ConcreteFactoryA -.-> ConcreteProductA2
ConcreteFactoryB -.-> ConcreteProductB1
ConcreteFactoryB -.-> ConcreteProductB2
Consumer ---> ProductVariant1
Consumer ---> ProductVariant2
Consumer -> BaseFactory


  • Abstract factories allow cross-platform development
  • Trick: Extract concrete factory and products into adapter library
  • Exchange adapter library depending on platform
  • There could also be a factory of factories, using both, the Factory method and the abstract factory pattern
  • Abstract factories in this form are not as popular as a plain factory
  • Most popular is a hybrid approach, that takes an abstract factory (e.g. defined in an interface), to produce a single type of product

Method based abstract factory

public abstract class Control
    protected abstract void PaintControl();
public abstract class Button : Control
public abstract class TextBox : Control
class WinButton : Button
    protected override void PaintControl()
        /* Implementation */
class WinTextBox : TextBox
    protected override void PaintControl()
        /* Implementation */
class OsxButton : Button
    protected override void PaintControl()
        /* Implementation */
class OsxTextBox : TextBox
    protected override void PaintControl()
        /* Implementation */
public interface IFactory
    Button CreateButton();
    TextBox CreateTextBox();
public class WinFactory : IFactory
    public Button CreateButton()
        return new WinButton();

    public TextBox CreateTextBox()
        return new WinTextBox();
public class OsxFactory : IFactory
    public Button CreateButton()
        return new OsxButton();

    public TextBox CreateTextBox()
        return new OsxTextBox();
public abstract class Control {
    protected abstract void paintControl();
public abstract class Button extends Control {
public abstract class TextBox extends Control {
class WinButton extends Button {
    protected void paintControl() {
        /* Implementation */
class WinTextBox extends TextBox {
    protected void paintControl() {
        /* Implementation */
class OsxButton extends Button {
    protected void paintControl() {
        /* Implementation */
class OsxTextBox extends TextBox {
    protected void paintControl() {
        /* Implementation */
public interface Factory {
    Button createButton();
    TextBox createTextBox();
public class WinFactory implements Factory {
    public Button createButton() {
        return new WinButton();

    public TextBox createTextBox() {
        return new WinTextBox();
public class OsxFactory implements Factory {
    public Button CreateButton() {
        return new OsxButton();

    public TextBox createTextBox() {
        return new OsxTextBox();
class Control {
    virtual void PaintControl() = 0;
class Button : public Control {
class TextBox : public Control {
class WinButton : public Button {
    void PaintControl() {
        /* Implementation */
class WinTextBox : public TextBox {
    void PaintControl() {
        /* Implementation */
class OsxButton : public Button {
    void PaintControl() {
        /* Implementation */
class OsxTextBox : public TextBox {
    void PaintControl() {
        /* Implementation */
class Factory {
    virtual Button* CreateButton() = 0;
    virtual TextBox* CreateTextBox() = 0;
class WinFactory : public Factory {
    Button* CreateButton() {
        return new WinButton();

    TextBox* CreateTextBox() {
        return new WinTextBox();
class OsxFactory : public Factory {
    Button* CreateButton()
        return new OsxButton();

    TextBox* CreateTextBox() {
        return new OsxTextBox();

Practical considerations

  • The abstract factory pattern is quite often used with dependency injection (DI), which will be introduced later
  • Here the concrete products will be resolved automatically
  • Also the factory can then be resolved automatically
  • This yields a maximum an flexibility and minimizes the coupling
  • There are complete frameworks like ADO.NET build upon this
  • Idea: Abstract the interface to the database and hide concrete implementations for specific databases (like MySQL, MariaDB, ...)

ADO.NET abstract factory

skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
abstract class DbProviderFactory {
  +CreateConnection(): DbConnection
  +CreateCommand(): DbCommand
abstract class DbConnection {
abstract class DbCommand {
SqlClientFactory -|> DbProviderFactory
OracleClientFactory --|> DbProviderFactory
OleDbFactory ---|> DbProviderFactory
OdbcFactory ----> DbProviderFactory
SqlCommand -|> DbCommand
OleDbCommand ---|> DbCommand
OracleCommand --|> DbCommand
OdbcCommand ----|> DbCommand
SqlConnection -|> DbConnection
OracleConnection --|> DbConnection
OleDbConnection ---|> DbConnection
OdbcConnection ----|> DbConnection
SqlClientFactory -.-> SqlConnection
SqlClientFactory -.-> SqlCommand
OracleClientFactory -.-> OracleConnection
OracleClientFactory -.-> OracleCommand
OleDbFactory -.-> OleDbConnection
OleDbFactory -.-> OleDbCommand
OdbcFactory -.-> OdbcConnection
OdbcFactory -.-> OdbcCommand

The builder pattern

  • Quite often a defined sequence of method calls is required for correctly initializing objects
  • This scenario goes far beyond what a constructor should deliver
  • Idea: Create a pattern, which follows the right sequence by design
  • The builder pattern enables the step-by-step creation of complex objects using the correct sequence of actions
  • Here the construction is controlled by a director object that only needs to know the type of object it is to create

Builder diagram

skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
class Director {
abstract class Builder {
  {abstract} +buildPart()
class ConcreteBuilder {
  +getResult(): Product
class Product {
ConcreteBuilder -.-> Product : "«create»"
ConcreteBuilder -|> Builder
Director o-> Builder


  • The flow requires that a calling object needs to know the concrete builder and the director
  • In general the directory does not require to get the builder over the constructor, it could also be set by using a property
  • However, the director requires a builder, instance which is reflected by such a design
  • The director handles the whole construction process
  • In the end one just has to call getResult() on the chosen builder

Fluent interface

  • The builder pattern is a solution to the telescoping constructor problem
  • Instead of using numerous constructors, the builder pattern uses another object, that receives each initialization parameter step by step
  • Builders are good candidates for a fluent API using the fluent interface
  • This can build upon chaining, i.e. we always return something useful (if nothing would be returned, then the current instance should be returned)

Simple builder

public interface IBuilder
    void BuildPartA();
    void BuildPartB();
    Product Result() { get; }
static class Director
    public static void Construct(IBuilder builder)
class ConcreteBuilder : IBuilder
    private Product _product;

    public ConcreteBuilder
        _product = new Product();

    public void BuildPartA()
        /* ... */

    public void BuildPartB()
        /* ... */

    public Product Result
        get { return _product; }
class Product
    /* ... */
public interface Builder {
    void buildPartA();
    void buildPartB();
    Product getResult();
static class Director {
    public static void construct(Builder builder) {
class ConcreteBuilder implements Builder {
    private Product _product;

    public ConcreteBuilder {
        _product = new Product();

    public void buildPartA() {
        /* ... */

    public void buildPartB() {
        /* ... */

    public Product getResult() {
        return _product;
class Product {
    /* ... */
class Builder {
    virtual void BuildPartA() = 0;
    virtual void BuildPartB() = 0;
    virtual Product* GetResult() = 0;
class Director {
    static void Construct(Builder builder) {
class ConcreteBuilder : public Builder {
    Product* _product;

    public ConcreteBuilder {
        _product = new Product();

    public void BuildPartA() {
        /* ... */

    public void BuildPartB() {
        /* ... */

    public Product* GetResult() {
        return _product;
class Product {
    /* ... */

Practical considerations

  • Quite often a static class is enough, with the builder dependency being shifted to the construction function
  • The director might also create intermediate objects, which can then be implicitly buffered or destroyed
  • Sometimes there is no specific director class, but a director method
  • This could be done to centralize the director and minimize dependencies
  • An example would be the construction of database commands

Database command builder

public abstract class DbCommandBuilder
    public abstract DbCommand GetDeleteCommand();
    /* ... */
public class SqlCommandBuilder : DbCommandBuilder
   private DbCommand BuildDeleteCommand(DataTableMapping mappings, DataRow dataRow)
        DbCommand command = this.InitializeCommand(this.DeleteCommand);
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        int parameterCount = 0;
        builder.Append("DELETE FROM ");
        parameterCount = this.BuildWhereClause(
        mappings, dataRow, builder, command, parameterCount, false);
        command.CommandText = builder.ToString();
        RemoveExtraParameters(command, parameterCount);
        this.DeleteCommand = command;
        return command;

    public SqlCommandBuilder(SqlDataAdapter da)
        /* set some properties */

    public override DbCommand GetDeleteCommand()
        DataTableMapping mappings = ComputeMappings();
        DataRow row = ComputeRow();
        return BuildDeleteCommand(mappings, row);


  • Gamma, Erich; Helm, Richard; Johnson, Ralph; Vlissides, John (1995). Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software.
  • Freeman, Eric; Freeman, Elisabeth; Kathy, Sierra; Bert, Bates (2004). Head First Design Patterns.
  • Fowler, Martin; Beck, Kent; Brant, John; Opdyke, William; Roberts (1999). Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code.
  • McConnell, Steve (2004). "Design in Construction". Code Complete.